Threats to the environment

A number of threats and aspects which need careful management have been identified. These are addressed in the Landscape Co-management and Develpment Plan.

  • Numbers of breeding Lappet-faced vultures along the Tsondab and Tsauchab rivers declined over the past decade possibly due to disturbance, particularly by low-flying light aircraft. The flight levels of aircraft could be better controlled with appropriate zonation and enforcement of existing regulations.
  • Poor interaction and communication between the different agencies managing resources in the Park results in poor control and law enforcement over sensitive resources, e.g. archaeological resources.
  • Feral populations of alien plants and animals in some areas of the landscape, including invasive species such as Prosopis, Opuntia, “wonderboom”, Syringa and species likely to pollute genetic integrity of wild populations (e.g. domestic cat).
  • Internal boundary fences which prevent movement of game in response to rainfall.
  • Water  scarcity, high evaporation rates, demand management and the need to maintain water quality.
  • Tourism managment to ensure that the character, beauty, diversity and integrity of the fragile landscape is maintained, and that visitors have a high quality experience that includes a sense of place, isolation and wilderness.
  • Unlawful activities, illegal use of wildlife and other natural resources within and adjacent to the landscape.