Latest updates on ungulate tracking in the Landscape

Update on ungulate movements

This research project deploys satellite tracking collars on ungulates in the GSNL  and monitors their movements  as well as other environmental parameters. Its objective is to document movement corridors and identify impediments to migration routes for springbok, oryx and Hartmann’s mountain zebra.  Stefanie Urban successfully completed her Bachelor of Natural Resources Management (Honours) project at NUST at the end  of 2016.

Some of her major findings were:

  • Overall oryx and springbok home‐ranges were  larger than those of Hartmann’s zebra, and the largest home‐ranges were in fence free areas (1887km2 for oryx ID1770 which moves in the southern portion of Namibrand, and 560 km2 for springbok  ID131);
  • In fence affected areas the shapes and sizes of home‐ranges of oryx and springbok were visibly and statistically different to those in fence free areas, while Hartmann’s zebra were less limited by fencing;
  • Hartmann’s zebra did not move into the Pro‐Namib plains during 2016, as there was little grazing available following poor rains. They did however show distinct east‐west movement patterns on a month to month basis.

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